part-time job
build up at Kinder-Fit
At Kinder-Fit you can gradually build up a nice part-time job with our help.
You start on a mini-job basis and receive an increasing salary as the number of members grows
until a constant part-time wage is established.
Your advantages with Kinder-Fit
Solid training
At Kinder-Fit you will be gradually introduced to your job right from the start.
dynamic team
Our team of sports scientists and sports teachers will support you at any time and look forward to getting to know you.
fair salary
You usually work 2-3 hours three days a week (holidays and public holidays off) and receive up to €1800 gross per month.
If something changes in your timetable, you can simply choose another day.
Cool activity
Look forward to a dream job with lots of fun and variety!
Lower expense
After the setup, your job will only include the implementation of specified children's sports lessons between approx.
3 p.m. and 6 p.m.